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Ophir: its location unveiled, by Emilio Spedicato
Ophir is the name of a geographic location appearing in several passages in the Bible.
Most notably it appears as the far away place wherefrom Solomon imported a huge
quantity of gold, a source that about a century later was no more available. It has
always been an open problem whether the place was real or fictitious, and if real
where its location was. Here, using philological analysis, historic information
previously neglected and especially a geographic information made available only at
the end of the ninetenth century, but unknown apparently to scholars, we give a
location for Ophir that agrees with the ancient data.Emilio Spedicato: Ophir, its location unveiled (pdf) Ophir, its location unveiled (presentation) Emilio Spedicato
Biography and other articles The grazian-archive website dimanche 10 octobre 2010 Contact: d e g r a a m i @ g m a i l . c o m