Prof. Dr. Emilio Spedicato

Emilio Spedicato
Emilio Spedicato: Great Numbers in Ancient Traditions
Emilio Spedicato: Ophir, its location unveiled
Emilio Spedicato was born in Milano, Italy, April 15, 1945. He obtained a degree in physics at Milano University and a PhD in Computational Mathematics at Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China (first ever PhD in mathematics given to a non Chinese).

He worked from 1969 to 1976 at CISE, a nuclear research center near Milano, then moved to Bergamo University, where he is full professor in Operations Research. He has spent over 4 years in research centers abroad (Stanford University, Numerical Optimization Center in Hatfield, UK,...). He has been over 12 years director of the Mathematics Department of Bergamo University.

He is author of about 300 papers in mathematics and 150 in other fields (astronomy, history, geography, ...). He is author of three monographs, one on ABS methods that has been translated into Russian and Chinese,  and has edited about 20 volumes of conference proceedings. He has organized  about twenty national and international conferences, including 3 in China.

His interest include:
  •                 Quasi-Newton methods for nonlinear equations and optimization
  •                 ABS methods for linear and nonlinear equations and optimization, including the integer case (he has obtained with collaborators the most general solution to Hilbert tenth problem)
  •                 Application of optimization to industrial energy problems, in particular optimization of fuel and emissions in cars
  •                 Analysis of certain problems of celestial mechanics related to the catastrophes described in ancient texts
  •                 Analysis of ancient texts, including the Bible, to obtain a better scenario for the events in ancient history (including Atlantis, Gilgamesh, Exodus....)

The 2007 Conference of Quantavolution - Kandersteg

Eden revisited: geography, numerics and others tales
Geography and numerics of Eden, Kharsag and Paradise: Sumerian and Enochian sources versus the Genesis tale
The 2007 Conference of Quantavolution - Kandersteg

The 2008 Conference of Quantavolution - Université Paris VI

From Phaethon to Chapamacac
The Flood of Deucalion
The 2008 Conference of Quantavolution - Université Paris VI

The 2009 Conference of Quantavolution - Kandersteg

From first day in Genesis to Exodus: Hypotheses and scientific approaches to human memory of four great catastrophes
Solomon and Dionysus: who were they? Two mysteries solved, again confirming the validity of ancient texts
The 2009 Conference of Quantavolution - Kandersteg

Emilio Spedicato's website:

Emilio Spedicato's website at Università di Bergamo, Italy
The grazian-archive website


e m i l i o @ u n i b g . i t

dimanche 10 octobre 2010Contact: d e g r a a m i @ g m a i l . c o m